Interview Francophone
Pour un meilleur 21ème siècle
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Edition Spéciale (en plusieurs langues) avec le Classement Interview Francophone MOST ADMIRED
Les meilleurs lieux culturels, sujets artistiques et destinations touristiques sont sélectionnées par le journal européen Interview Francophone et ses lecteurs
Tous les lecteurs d'Interview Francophone peuvent faire leurs recommandations pour cette edition spéciale au:
Expo Photo Deleville: L'instant d'un regard d'instinct !
March 19, 2019
Magnifique exposition photo de Laurent Deleville à Issy-les-Moulineaux, mars 2019.
Vladimir Cosma fait vibrer le Grand Rex à Paris
January 27, 2019
Vladimir Cosma qu'on nomme "le Mozart du 7ème art", auteur de plus de 200 compositions pour film, theatre et opera, qui a écris la musique de centaines de films, a fait vibrer plus de 5000 participants dans la légendaire salle du Grand Rex grace à un concert unique qui a réuni (le 26 et 27 janvier) l'Orchestre symphonique de la 7ème art de 65 musiciens ensemble avec 80 membres du Choeur de l'Universités de Paris et plusieurs invités comme la Soprana Irina Baiant, Cezar Cazanoi, Richard Snaderson, Roland Romanelli, Lucienne Renaudin Vary, David Castrobaldi, FIfi Chayeb, Greb Zlap, DJ Polo &Pan.
Le maestro francais d'origine roumaine Vladimir Cosma a déjà enchanté le monde entier et a marqué l'histoire de la cinématographie française ("La Boum" 1980, "Diva" 1982, "Le grand bleu" 1972, etc).
Ce concert du 27 janvier 2019 a été soutenu par l'Ambassade de la Roumanie en France et par l'Institut Culturel Roumain qui ont choisi célébrer ainsi, tous ensemble, francais, roumains, européens, le début de la Présidence de la Roumanie à l'Union européenne en janvier 2019.
Meilleures destinations touristiques, culturelles et artistiques
January 01, 2019
After six years of continued expansion, the writing retreat ( ) launched by Columbia and Sean Hillen in northwest Donegal, on the Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, was the only writing retreat selected for the exclusive list of creative retreats released by The Guardian newspaper this week.
“I’m delighted with this honour,” said retreat marketing coordinator, Columbia, owner of web design company ‘Center for the Imagination’ and former managing director of a national media company in Romania. “International recognition of this kind is something to be really proud of. We have worked very hard over the years to make this initiative a success and we are happy to announce a new creative writing week in Paris in October.”
Other retreats selected for the list included Greece, the Netherlands, England, France, Spain, Scotland and Portugal.
The top 10 list, with brief descriptions of each retreat ranging from dancing and painting to woodwork and song-writing, was published in the international travel section of the London-based newspaper.
10 of the best creative retreats in the UK and Europe ( )
The article included a full-color photograph of previous writing participants in Gweedore enjoying an excursion on scenic Gola Island, one of many guided historic trips that take place during the retreats, two of which are held in Donegal each year.
According to the article, “The twice-yearly Ireland Writing Retreat in Gweedore, two miles inland from the stunning west Donegal coastline, offers practical, hands-on writing and editing workshops, plus talks by authors about publishing and marketing.
The week includes a boat trip to the island of Gola walks and a tour of Glenveagh national park and castle, Irish language and dance classes, and traditional music concerts. It also offers a retreat focusing on travel writing (16-22 March), and two further afield: one on the Black Sea near Mangalia, Romania (27 May-2 June), and a new retreat in Paris (14-20 October).”
According to the Ireland Writing Retreat website, the Paris Writing Retreat ( will take place during October 14-20. Follow – literally - in the footsteps of such legends as James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sylvia Beach, Gertrude Stein, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde, even Dan Brown across the boulevards of Paris while learning the art of creative writing through practical workshops and author meetings.
Enjoy hands-on tutoring from published authors and lively literary discussions in the very same places that the 1920s ‘Lost Generation’ frequented for the very same reasons, some of whom ultimately emerged as Nobel Prize winners.
( ) launched by Columbia and Sean Hillen in northwest Donegal, on the Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way
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